Event catering can make or break an event - after all, food is one of the few things we all share a need for and an appreciation for. So, how can you ensure that your guests are getting the best catering possible? Opt for a gourmet event catering service. 

In large, vibrant cities like San Francisco, your options are varied and exciting. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the best gourmet event catering service in San Francisco, from what makes it gourmet to a recommendation to get you started.

What makes food gourmet?

The generally accepted definition of gourmet, when it comes to the actual product itself and not a person, is food that has been selected, prepared, and presented with extra care and attention to detail, to provide a more luxurious experience for the diner. The word comes from the French “gourmont” or “wine taster,” probably because sommelier work focuses on detailed analysis of the wine for quality.

Gourmet foods might include harder-to-acquire ingredients or be more difficult to prepare, such as foods requiring specific techniques. It’s also made with high-quality ingredients prepared professionally on an individual basis; it’s difficult if not impossible to mass-produce gourmet food. Chefs preparing gourmet food might spend weeks putting together a complex and delicious menu and may spend extra time plating their food to ensure it looks its best when it’s brought out to the table and tastes as good as possible.

Gourmet catering services

For a catering service to be gourmet, then, food should meet a high standard of quality from the creation of the menu to delivery. The chef behind the catering service should be highly trained, experienced, and passionate about their work, and should be able to work with you to create a customized menu that suits your event’s needs perfectly. This menu should be complex, full of rich flavors and complementary drink pairings. 

The service should be sourcing its ingredients locally if possible and using the highest-quality materials for the best possible flavor, texture, and appearance. They may work with local farmers, butchers, and fishmongers directly so that they can inspect the product themselves rather than relying on a supplier. They should work with smaller portions and give each individual plate attention as it’s made. 

Beyond this, a gourmet catering service should be respectful of their clients’ religious and cultural practices. They should be mindful of any medical needs and willing to accommodate specific food restrictions for guests on an individual basis.

The Best Gourmet Event Catering in San Francisco with Metal and Match

Knowing what goes into gourmet catering is only the first step - now you need to hire a service for your event. Here’s a suggestion to get you started.

San Francisco-based Metal and Match catering is passionate about bringing the flavorful heart of the Bay Area straight to your plate. The company blends modern culinary innovation with years of restaurant and catering expertise to make every dish served a culinary delight.

When it comes to dining options, Metal + Match offers five distinct choices: family dinners, buffets, cocktail parties, stations, and seated coursed dinners. Each is crafted to showcase the seasonal, local, and sustainable ingredients that define the Bay Area. From the rustic atmosphere of a family dinner to the elegance of a seated coursed dinner, there is something here for every occasion.

With Metal + Match catering, clients can trust that their guests will enjoy an unforgettable culinary journey that reflects the unique flavors of San Francisco. You can reach out to Metal and Match via their website for more details about menus and event options.